
Mean Time

These are published in Mean Time

Doing Time” in Rattle
Mean Time” in Rattle
Closing Time” & “Past Time” in Light Journal
After Time” in Rust + Moth
Down Time” & “No Problem” in Watershed Review
In Due Time” in What Rough Beast
Watching The Crucible in the Time of Trump at Theatr Newydd, Cardiff in What Rough Beast

I Thought I Was Going to be Okay

These are published in I Thought I Was Going to be Okay. 

Grand Fugue” in Rattle
Foreclosure” & “Good Grief” in ETC
The Free Market” in Transition: Poems in the Aftermath
Next,” “What lies behind perfect love life, Peter Murphy” & “Not That Complicated” in Diode
Every Time” in Hawaii Pacific Review
Local Birds,” “The Modern Economy” & “Stairs to All Levels” in Sleet Magazine

The Buzzing of the Blue Guitar

These are from The Buzzing of the Blue Guitar, a chapbook awaiting a publisher. These poems are reflections on a series of etchings by David Hockney based on “The Man With The Blue Guitar” by Wallace Stevens based on a painting of an old man by Picasso who saw a guitarist busking on a Barcelona street.

Five Poems” in The Ekphrastic Review
“Made in April” in Shift
On it may stay his eye” in One Art
Serenade” in South Florida Poetry Journal

The Book of Stars

These next few are from a series in progress titled The Book of Stars.

The Book of Stars” in The New York Quarterly
Stars Poetica” in Diode
The Resentment of Stars” in The Summerset Review
The Diaspora of Light” in Typehouse
The Hunger of Tides” in Philadelphia Stories
The Duality of Dust” in The Laurel Review

Uncollected Poems

Bad History” in Poetry Wales
Labor Day: Atlantic City” in Rattle
Erased” in Poetry City
Harder” in Love & Ensuing Madness
At the New Age Hotel” & “Can’t Dancein The Cortland Review
Baptism” in The Cortland Review
“Search For a Bent Twig” in Chest
If This Be Treason” in Writing for Human Rights
“Blog,” “Mumbles” & “On Snowdon’s Wilds in Brickplight
Breaking News” in Philadelphia Stories
Llywelwyn’s Dog” in Verse Daily (Ouch, they spelled Llywelwyn wrong)