Peter E. Murphy

Poet • Writer • Teacher

More Challenges for the Delusional

2018, Diode Editions

Peter Murphy’s Prompts and the Writing They Inspired, edited by Ona Gritz & Daniel Simpson. Contributors include Kim Addonizio, Stephen Dunn, Tony Hoagland, Dorianne Laux & more.

Try this Sample Writing Prompt

The Afterlife
3rd Annual Weekend Poetry Retreat in Sea Isle City
April 25-27, 2008
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What happened to Prufrock after the tea party? To Ishmael when he finally made it back to terra firma? To the speaker and neighbor in Frost’s “Mending Wall” after they finish the job? To Horatio after the death of Hamlet? What became of Fay Wray’s character after the death of King Kong? Of Shane after he rode into the sunset?

Poetry and Fiction:
Write a poem or story that imagines the afterlife, as it were, of a famous character from literature or popular culture.

Write about how a famous character from literature or popular culture lives on through his or her importance to you.

Requirements for All:

1. Include a direct quote from your character or famous person of choice.
2. Take a million risks and if you fail, fail brilliantly!
3. Have fun!

You Must Surprise yourself!
Do not settle for what you already know.

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